viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

[Vocaloid] MUGIC + English Lyrics

Publicado por Louishii en 10:07 p. m.
Vengo con otra entry y creo que luego escribiré otra más~ Esta es una canción nueva de Vocaloid, que fue publicada en NND el 26 de septiembre, es decir, hace 2 días, por lo que es contenido NUEVO.

La canción se titula MUGIC (Music+Magic=MUGIC) esa es la explicación del nombre. Fue realizada por los mismo creadores de "Mr. Music" y es interpretada por Miku, Rin, Len, Luka y Gumi.

En lo personal el ritmo es pegajoso pero relajado, no es tan movida como Mr Music pero a mi me gustó mucho c:

Dejo video directo de NND, puesto que creo que nadie lo ha subido a Youtube por ahora ^^;

Lyrics (en inglés)

"I love mugic, I love you...
I need mugic..."x2

Hey, haven't you been looking down lately
It seems like you haven't had much sleep
We're friends with nothing to hide after all,
So come and talk to me!

I mean, even if you watch TV or surf the net
There's only boring news to be seen
And on top of that there's still homework that we've got to do
That we've procrastinated too much

If you sulk about it that much,
time is just going to be wasted
So with that finger and with that voice,
let's try to play out a magical melody

c h o r u s

"Sleeping inside everyone's hearts
there's a strange power
It's fine even if it's good for nothing
It's fine even if it's ordinary

Sleeping in your heart is a beautiful power
That's called "MUGIC", The magical word that brings us together"

I wonder why, that even though she's so close that
If I stretched out my arm I'd be able to reach her
Aah, I'm such and idiot! I just keep making mistakes
And when I noticed my face is also bright, bright red

I mean it's true that
when conversing through mails
There are things
that can't be conveyed properly
If you're a guy, then you've got to say
those sort of things clearly

If you hold it in by yourself,
nothing's going to change so
With both your voice and my voice
let's try start up a miracle

c h o r u s

"Sleeping inside everyone's hearts
there's a strange power
It's fine if you just try your best
And if you're tired, it's fine to take a rest

Sleeping in your heart is a beautiful power
That's called "MUGIC", The magic string that ties us together"

And ever after 10 years, even after 100 years,
and even in the far, far, far away future
Without even a pause everything will repeat,
and that'll surpass the barriers of languague, countries and gender

I don't know your name
I don't know your face, and though we've never met,
I'll send this melody to where you are,
let it resound throughout this world

"Sleeping inside everyone's hearts there's a strange power
Sleeping in your heart is a beautiful power"

c h o r u s

"Sleeping inside everyone's hearts
there's a strange power
It's fine even if it's good for nothing
It's fine even if it's ordinary

Sleeping in your heart is a beautiful power
That's called "MUGIC", The magical word that brings us together"

"I love mugic, I love you...
I need mugic...x2 (I need you)

I love mugic, I love you...
I need mugic...x2

I love music.."

mp3 de Nicosound.

Enjoy le song c:

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